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We partnered with ShareIn to modernise the way in which we work. We are delighted with how the new platform has simplified the investment process and improved the way we communicate with our investors, who now have a wonderful account area to monitor their investment portfolio.

As a leading technology provider in online investing, we delivered a robust platform that will allow Aprirose’s investors to:

Monitor portfolio of investments

Access essential documents- quarterly management reports and updates

Explore new deals and opportunities

Keep a record of and display all distributions made to investors

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Gather interest early on

Establishing potential interest and at what level online can streamline dealflow. ShareIn built a user flow to easily convert that initial into reservations if a deal does proceed.

Bespoke timing of funding

In a real estate transaction its typical to take a sum of money to secure the site, but the investment isn't completed until a later date. ShareIn can build a profile that suits the way you and your clients work.

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Migrating your data

Our team ensure that your clients portfolio can be consolidated in one place and you have a single source of truth

Enable change with direct investment