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We are thrilled to announce that 2017 was our best year ever – with the news that we achieved a profitable year-end to October 2017 as well as record growth of both staff and client rosters and, to put the cherry on the cake, the announcement of our work with developing Triodos Bank’s new crowdfunding platform.

The last twelve months have marked a period of significant growth for us, with the company reporting year-end revenue in the region of £700k to October 2017, more than three times the previous year.

The revenue growth has brought with it profitability which we are using to expand the team further. The team of Edinburgh-based specialists has grown from seven staff members to 17. Our CEO, Jude Cook, says “Andrew and I are really proud of the brilliant team that we’ve been able to build. It’s quite unusual in a tech business to have more women in the company than men. We always hire the best person for the job but we’re lucky that great women keep applying. 12 of the 17 team members are women. We’ve got such a healthy mix of experience and nationality that makes ShareIn a very exciting place to work.”

Our client list has also experienced impressive growth, with the number of clients tripling in the past year. We plan to continue our high growth trajectory in the current year 2017/2018. We have also recently rebranded our website to make sure all our recent successes are highlighted. Big client wins for ShareIn include the February 2018 announcement of the Triodos Crowdfunding platform, the first crowdfunding platform to be launched by a UK bank. Triodos offer eligible investors the opportunity to invest in both equity and bonds issued by established charities and businesses delivering positive social and environmental impacts.

Andrew Pickett, CTO and Cofounder of ShareIn says “Working with Triodos, who are very well respected in the ethical finance sector and have raised more than £130 million to fund over 50 impact projects in the past 15 years, is a fantastic win for ShareIn.”

We delighted to be carving out a niche in impact crowdfunding, also working with Lendahand Ethex who have raised over £2m for solar projects in Africa, and Mongoose Crowd who fund community energy projects with renewable sources.

Formed in 2011 by founders Jude Cook and Andrew Pickett, ShareIn are founding members of the UK Crowdfunding Association and are based at Edinburgh’s CodeBase, the UK’s largest technology incubator.

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