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Our History – From Marketplace to White Label Provider.

Jude & Andrew met at an Edinburgh University Business School E-Club event. They discussed the idea – why not use the internet to mobilise first round friends and family funding for early stage investment. At the time no investment based crowdfunding platforms existed anywhere in the world. It seemed an obvious thing to do!

From 2011 to 2014 two key insights inform our strategy to pivot from crowdfunding platform to investment platform provider.

The winner doesn’t take it all.

Investment platforms don’t have the same characteristics as Facebook or Google. There is a limited network effect with Investors. Investors are sector/product sensitive. Acquiring investors is costly and so they need to like all your deals. Successful platforms focus on a niche.

Although highly regulated there are e-commerce business parallels.

Any new e-commerce play would not build their own tool – the SaaS proposition is just too compelling. ShareIn will offer a robust product at a price that stacks up: 20x cheaper, 10x faster to market. With the know how and experience.

Enable change with direct investment